Give the gift of water : Wells that change lives in Pakistan
Clean water changes lives. It breaks the cycle of disease that plagues the poor. It allows them health to work and provide food for their families. It changes daily rhythms for girls who have to walk for water each day, and gives them back hours of their day which may allow them to go to school instead.
In the Sindh valley there are many villages that are made up of groups of families who work as labourers on the nearby farms. Most of these are Hindu families from low castes, and they are stuck in generational cycles of illiteracy and poverty. For around $5000US ( the cost varies depending on the ground conditions in each particular area ) our team from Community Transformation Fountain Pakistan ( CTF Pakistan ) can arrange for a well to be dug, or water filters be sourced, for a village. A celebration meal is then arranged, and the village is encouraged with news that people beyond their village see value in them, and care for them because they are fellow humans who are loved by God. They are also connected to other nearby villages with similar wells, and maintenance of the wells and ongoing relationships to further improve their conditions are discussed.
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How to Support
If this excites you like it excited us, then please give towards a well! If you give an entire well and would like to be sent a video showing you the well being used for the first time, and seeing who you have impacted personally, then please email us so we can arrange this! We would love to help you connect with the people you are helping in this tangible way! If you can’t give a whole well, then just give what you can and we will combine your generosity with the generosity of others to bring about a beautiful result for some beautiful people!
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